At Casa do Impacto, we are always focused on the future—a future that we want to be better. t is undeniable that children are the agents of the future, they are the ones who will continue to build the world and carry on the legacy of those who have already been here and left that task to us. But just as a better world is built starting now, these young humans have rights and needs that must be addressed in the present.

At Casa do Impacto, we have projects that work to ensure that Impact also makes room to to children, promoting a lifestyle that is more sustainable, educational, fun, and healthy for them. To celebrate International Children’s Day, we asked for a reflection on how their Impact solutions reflect the role of Children in Society as a whole.

Get to know them: 


“At Bicicultura, we develop various impact projects focused on children and active mobility modes, such as CicloExpresso, Sempre a Rodar, and Cresc(h)e na Rua!. With CicloExpresso, we provide children the opportunity to commute to school on their bicycles in a group, accompanied by their friends and adult monitors—this is called a bike train, and the monitors are the “conductors.” Seeing that children were often riding bicycles of inappropriate sizes, we created Sempre a Rodar, a social business for exchanging and selling children’s bicycles, based on the principles of a circular economy, facilitating the adjustment of bicycles as they grow. Realizing that many daycares and kindergartens struggle to take children out for play, access to nature, and cultural services, we created Cresc(h)e na Rua!, which provides training in riding and collective transport tricycles, along with a catalog of destinations to promote cycling mobility and outdoor activities for children. Together, these three projects have already benefited nearly 1500 children.

These projects share common goals: they focus on seeking a kinder and more sustainable society and were developed to address the specific needs of children and families in a general manner, aiming to involve as many children as possible. There are numerous barriers to the effective inclusion of children in society, starting with public space: how many children have the conditions to do something they love—ride a bike and play on the street?

Our task is to help rebalance these dynamics through a professional and human approach, always aiming to bring smiles to the little ones. While impacting children has significant long-term potential for both society and them in terms of autonomy, social interactions, and health, this can also be seen as a simple inclusion process that everyone has the right to, regardless of age. Happy Children’s Day!”


Luís Vieira – Co-Founder – Sempre a Rodar & Project Manager – Bicicultura



Children – the least heard group in the Social Economy?

Over the past 10 years working within the Social Economy on educational projects—from university volunteer groups to international cooperation projects and government partnerships—the biggest challenge has been the voluntary and continuous participation of children.

In general, this explains why the key impact metrics of educational projects are still, fundamentally, metrics of participation and attendance, rather than actual impact metrics such as behavior changes or skill gains.

This persists despite all the well-intentioned consultations, focus groups, or youth assemblies organized by these projects. So, in theory, we want to listen to them, but we lack the know-how to truly listen.

One fundamental point we should keep in mind when talking with children is that all they really want to do is play (and rightly so!). Everything else is to meet our adult expectations. Therefore, to truly listen to children, it’s not enough to ask what they want to do; we must assume they want to play and investigate what they are playing, and why.

But that’s not enough. What about discovering what is fun or interesting? Did anyone as a child invent a new game with friends and not change the rules as the group played? We need to play with them. Really play, crawling on the floor, doing whatever it takes—that’s what the project is, or at least what it should be.

Thus, what survives the project are activities that are true play, enjoyable for any child to return to tomorrow, next week, whenever there’s someone to play with.

This is the work that Class of Wonders tries to do every day with its projects: bringing play into the classroom and, in doing so, trying to eliminate asymmetries in education.

A big thank you to the tens of thousands of children who invent these games with us (big kids) every day and who, in doing so, will come to impact many others in the world.


Francisco Pires de Miranda – Founder and CEO | Class of Wonders



“Once a child, always a child!

At MyPolis, we believe that every day is Children’s Day and that they play a crucial role in our society. A community built at the “height” of a child is healthier, more inclusive, and fairer for everyone, regardless of age.

Today’s children are the adults of tomorrow, but we are all citizens of the present, eager to contribute to the development of our territories. To achieve this, we need to break down the barriers to child involvement and participation by playing and engaging in citizenship.

We want children to be more than just “heard”; they should be at the center of the social transformation process. To this end, we contribute to social impact with playful responses such as:

  • > Explorers of Citizenship Game: A board game specially designed for elementary school students, aiming to promote civic learning and contribution through play. Step by step, children, along the path of participation, understand the principles of citizenship and develop their potential by acquiring knowledge, democratic attitudes, and civic skills. In a playful, fun, and collaborative manner, they share brilliant ideas for their communities. This game has already involved over 1000 students, 50 teachers, and 10 Portuguese municipalities!
  • > Torres Vedras Children’s Council: From children, with children, and for children, we have co-created the “Torres Vedras Children’s Council.” The main characters of this “Council” are the advisors who, armed with their superpowers, have helped MyPolis think about how to materialize the ambitions of the children of Torres Vedras. Through play, they have communicated their ideas and proposals for childhood in the city of Torres Vedras.

We believe that once a child, always a child. That’s why the children of MyPolis have made their contribution, and we thank all the children who play and engage in citizenship for inspiring us every day to become more involved and participative citizens!”


Ilpo Lalli – Social Pedagogue and Project Manager | Mypolis



“At the heart of the social economy, we find projects that not only challenge the status quo but also redefine the role of the youngest members of society. Petit Fox Portugal is one such project, an online store for second-hand, like-new and pre-owned children’s clothing for ages 0 to 12, aimed at shaping the future of fashion and sustainability.

Through clothing reuse, Petit Fox not only offers a second life to garments but also allows parents to teach children the value of conscious consumption. Each piece sold is a lesson in responsibility and an opportunity for children to learn about the impact of their choices on the world.

This project effectively transcends mere commercial transactions, transforming into an educational platform that places children at the center of learning about sustainability. Far from being mere spectators, they are inspired to become active participants in creating a more sustainable future. By meaningfully involving children in the social economy, Petit Fox is planting the seeds for a new generation conscious of the environment and ready to lead responsibly.

Petit Fox’s impact extends beyond environmental protection. By promoting the circular economy, it simultaneously creates a more cohesive social fabric where sharing and solidarity are values instilled early on. This reflects the true role of children in society: to be the change we want to see in the world.

Petit Fox Portugal is more than a store; it is a movement, a community, and a reflection of how the social economy can be a vehicle for positive change. It is a reminder that even the smallest among us have the power to influence the world in meaningful ways.”




“We live in turbulent and challenging times. Beyond wars, hatred, hunger, and inequalities, climate change represents one of the greatest threats to human survival. Therefore, we need to be quick, supportive, creative, dynamic, and educational in seeking alternatives to end the abuses related to Earth’s resource exploitation.

To change the paradigm of an extractive economy, we created Tinctória, a project aimed at showing children the spirit of our ancestors and how they used natural resources to create safe, non-toxic paints. But this plan also involves adults and, in the context of transitioning to a circular economy, teaches us to view waste and its intelligent reuse differently.

Because sustainability is not an empty word, we contribute to protecting ecosystems and biodiversity. We take our share of the essential ethical and responsible commitment to defend nature. We help balance economic development and environmental preservation. We attract conscious consumers and investors. We recreate business models. We strengthen value chains. We do not compromise the well-being of future generations. We lay the foundations for a prosperous future. We repurpose bio-waste; save water; avoid resource waste; reconnect the human-planet bond in harmony; reduce gas emissions and pollution levels.

With Tinctória’s non-toxic paints, we pave an inclusive path for everyone, building a participatory citizenship process based on equity. We unite schools and parents, teachers and students, small and large communities. We help improve our homes, our streets, our villages, our towns, our cities, our country. We improve the environment. We improve the world.”



“Today, we celebrate the creativity, imagination, and potential of all children. At ubbu, we believe that every child has a unique story to tell, and we are dedicated to providing the tools and platform to bring those stories to life.

Through ubbu, children are not only learning to code but also acquiring valuable skills that integrate them into the social economy, reducing barriers to quality education. As they “play while learning,” they learn to collaborate, solve problems, and think critically—essential skills for future innovators and leaders. In addition, notions of Responsible Citizenship are always present on the platform, from bullying to the United Nations Sustainable Goals.

Our platform takes children from technology consumers to technology creators, building a community of young creators who support and inspire each other.

By encouraging children to explore their creativity and develop technical and social skills, ubbu is helping to shape a future where everyone has the opportunity to participate and thrive in the digital economy.

Together, let’s empower the next generation of creators. Happy Children’s Day, and happy coding!”


Tiago Campos – Growth Marketing Manager | ubbu



We also have a suggestion: Teach For Portugal is another project focused on Children and Youth, promoting the modernization of teaching measures and facilitating access to a more personalized and closer Education that helps each Student reach their full potential. They are always looking for Mentors to assist in this mission. Just a heads-up!

Here are some of the projects that focus on making the lives of the youngest more educational and playful, proving that Impact inherently promotes the representation and appreciation of each person, regardless of age. Learn more about what they stand for and their positive Impact, planting the seeds for the future.

Children are the future, but the future begins now.

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