Access Lab is an Impact Startup working to ensure access to culture and entertainment for people with disabilities, deaf individuals, and neurodivergent people. It was founded at Casa do Impacto with support from the PLUS program and has established itself as an Impact-driven business model through direct clients, philanthropic investments, and collaborations with brands. Impact and improving access to events are at the core of its mission.”

Tiago Fortuna – Co-Founder & Co-CEO Access Lab

How do you approach finding Partners willing to bring Accessibility and Inclusion to events like music festivals?

Our approach is about respecting the community, listening to them, and solving social issues. We also aim to leverage the visibility that these partners have in the market to elevate marginalized communities. It’s a human convergence to create impactful experiences.


What were the biggest challenges in implementing these initiatives at such large-scale events?

The speed of the market and the need for horizontal community listening. It would be easy to engage with communities without consulting them at every step, but that would distort our mission. It’s necessary to listen, create dialogue, and promote strong democracy and tolerance for real Impact. This can be difficult in a fast-paced economic environment, but it is possible.


Do you believe Accessibility initiatives like those promoted by Access Lab in music festivals and other cultural activities will continue to grow and extend to other sectors? Is society open to Inclusion in this way?

Yes. When we started, none of the major music festivals offered Portuguese sign language or companion tickets. This has drastically changed over the past two years, and it’s just the beginning. More visibility, representation, and a commitment to sustainability and diversity are needed.


How does the general public react to your initiatives?

Very positively. There is some resistance from market forces, and ableism is deeply rooted in Portuguese society, but overall, the public reacts very well to our actions, which encourages us to keep going.


Do you feel there is now more openness from corporate organizations to address Accessibility and Inclusion issues?

Much more, but still not enough. Exclusion is a complex social issue that takes years to address—longer than our lifetimes. Tackling it requires resilience, humility, and patience. Organizations often want to have immediate Impact, which is not always possible. We must strike the right balance.


What are the next steps to continue scaling Access Lab and taking it further?

This summer, we achieved significant milestones: Cristiano Ronaldo entered the field with a young person with a disability during a Portuguese national team match; Dua Lipa met members of the Portuguese Deaf community at NOS Alive; and we launched a global accessibility project at MEO Marés Vivas, involving neurodivergent individuals. These are major achievements in the market and small wins in the world of Impact. We need to remain consistent and keep working steadily to ensure that the Impact multiplies and truly reaches the communities.



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