It’s always a challenge to reach the end of the year and reflect on everything the past twelve months have brought us. We are no longer who we once were, and we won’t stay the same for much longer. That’s why it’s so important to preserve this end-of-year feeling—a mix of accomplishment and anticipation for what lies ahead: the things we know will happen and the unpredictabilities that await us. It’s essential to look back at what 2024 has given us while keeping the confidence that what comes next will be even better, even more challenging, and even more impactful.
Being recognized by the Financial Times & Statista as one of Europe’s 125 best Entrepreneurship Hubs—and the only one exclusively dedicated to Impact—was a remarkable way to start the year. It was both an incredible validation of our work and a powerful motivator to keep creating the best opportunities for Impact Entrepreneurs and Projects. It was also a moment to embrace the responsibility of being included on such a prestigious list and commit to earning that recognition in the long term. To be worthy of the trust placed in us when people believe we are truly shaping the future within our ever-open doors. And in 2024, we have indeed continued to write that future.
We remained committed to empowering new Entrepreneurs through our flagship programs, RISE for Impact and Triggers. We joined Consortia to launch new programs like PUSH and the Marketplace MATCH. We continued seeking out the most innovative Projects to join us through our Incubation Program. We strengthened our presence within the broader Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, once again becoming part of Startup Portugal’s National Network of Incubators and participating in their INCUBX initiative.
We signed partnerships that enriched us, bringing valuable perspectives to our work. We once again hosted the Startup Guide Summit, this time within the context of Shaping the World by Innonexus, and took on the honor of being an Official Nominator for the Earthshot Prize for another year.
There was no shortage of reasons to celebrate, and we seized every opportunity to do so—whether at Sunsets, “Arraiais”, or Community Gatherings—driven by nothing more than the desire to bring our Community together and toast to everyone’s successes, big and small.
We turned outward and saw Projects from our House win awards, pitch across the globe, secure funding, and gain skills and support. We watched Impact Entrepreneurs take the stage, a stage that is growing larger and more prominent—just as they deserve. But we also turned inward, focusing on what our Entrepreneurs think and feel, their concerns, and what we can do for them through the TARGET Well-being Program.
This year also marked a period of transition, as we turned a new page with a new Leadership. While we are not the same as before, our desire remains to carry forward the vision we’ve been building over the past six years, always with the support of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa. If there’s one thing this year has reaffirmed, it’s that Impact cannot be achieved alone. We must unite the Entrepreneurial Community, Partners, Public and Private Organizations, Investors, Mentors, and Experts in this collective effort to change the world through tangible actions and a systemic shift in mindset.
2030 is fast approaching, and the ONU’s Sustainable Development Goals remain a goal we must meet. Time is ticking, but we are far from standing still. Will you join us?
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