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Rise Bootcamp: The calm before the storm!

It always starts the same way: They go in quiet, curious, and anxious. You've read all about the program, visited the websites of all the previous winners, and seen all the information, conditions, and important dates several times. [...]

Corporate volunteering can be the first step

You only have to look around to realize that we need to take urgent action to try to counteract what seems to be a dead end. It can no longer be just Non-Governmental Organizations, Volunteer Institutions, or [...]

The boldness that awakens fears

By: Anabell Acevedo - a woman who has been a migrant several times “What does it mean to you to seek "the best"? It could be finding a new job, choosing insurance, changing your children's school, moving to another [...]

Last but not least: the goodbye to 2024!

It’s always a challenge to reach the end of the year and reflect on everything the past twelve months have brought us. We are no longer who we once were, and we won’t stay the same for [...]

Casa do Impacto gave a PUSH in the Netherlands!

2024 was marked by the PUSH program carried out by Casa do Impacto as part of the European Innonexus project. As promised, by the end of this year, the four winning projects of the program embarked on a [...]

Entrepreneurship Awards with an eye on Impact!

Casa do Impacto once again partnered with Unicorn Factory Lisboa for another edition of the Entrepreneurship Awards, the ceremony that promotes the Portuguese Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and applauds the achievements of Startups and Entrepreneurs. Once more, we had [...]

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