Sometimes we need that friendly push that gives us the confidence to take a step forward. Sometimes what we need is indeed a “PUSH” to take our idea off the paper and transform it into the reality we want to live.

Remember this article where we launched PUSH, the (now not-so-new) capacity-building program by Casa do Impacto, promoted together with the European Union through the Shaping The World by Innovation Nexus consortium?

Five months later, we’re back to update you on what has happened between February and June, and to tell you which ideas have not only taken off but have also gained wings to fly.

The plan was to build and promote two cohorts of determined Entrepreneur Teams whose work would bring solutions dedicated to addressing challenges in Environmental Impact and Climate Action, as well as Social Impact and Health. We know a thing or two about capacity-building, and with great anticipation, we became part of the Consortium and launched the Open Calls for this innovative program.

Over the past few months, PUSH has been a part of the life at Casa do Impacto and of the Entrepreneurs who call it home. New faces entered the Convent seeking tools, methodologies, and inspiration to help them turn their Impact ideas into reality. Our home has been a hub for Entrepreneurs from various countries, and Impact proved once again that it knows no boundaries or borders that can keep it from its potential. This potential came to us from various places in our country, Brazil, Finland, France, India, and Ukraine.

With constant support from the European Union, we conducted two intensive Bootcamps where we offered Mentorships and personalized support from professionals in different fields and experienced Entrepreneurs, along with the promise of prizes tailored to the projects being developed.

Like our own capacity-building programs, PUSH is an initiative that rewards opportunities for the continuous evolution of the solutions presented and the Entrepreneurial minds that give them life and purpose. The four winning projects received a one-way ticket to a place within the pan-European network relevant to the Impact Ecosystem, with the possibility to apply all the knowledge acquired in an exchange experience and at the Shaping The World event, where they will be able to present the development of their projects in a pitch.

vencedores do programa PUSH

So, which projects need to start packing their bags?

Meet them here:

  • > LoopTrack (1st Cohort): Introduces an app that helps consumers easily track and compare the environmental impact and economic value of clothes and accessories, monitor the value development of their wardrobe over time, and get tips for repairing and upcycling the items they own. LoopTrack promotes circularity by enabling consumers to make informed, sustainable purchasing decisions and encouraging the reuse and extended lifecycle of products. The app provides consumers with practical insights to choose products with better long-term value and sustainability, boosting buyer confidence and promoting second-hand market growth. With LoopTrack’s help, consumers can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with making smart, eco-conscious choices, turning every purchase into an investment in both their future and the planet’s.


  • > Mulheres na Obra (1st Cohort): A startup with the purpose of transforming the Construction sector by promoting female inclusion and employability. With a firm commitment to highlighting female leadership, this project collaborates with companies committed to diversity, offering the tools and support needed for the technical and professional skills development of women. Through a strong network of partnerships, Women in Construction not only facilitates women’s access to real employment opportunities but also promotes the expansion of their professional networks, benefiting both participants and partner companies by creating more diverse, inclusive, and socially responsible work environments. Women in Construction thus seeks to promote a paradigm shift in the Construction industry and in society as a whole.


  • > Barra Concept (2nd Cohort): Offers a healthy, natural, and paraben-free alternative to traditional personal care products through a bar soap that reduces chemical exposure. Recognizing that women use, on average, about twelve personal care products daily, this proposal aims to counteract exposure to about 170 different chemicals present in them, thus avoiding skin irritations, hormonal disruptions, and the development of other diseases.


  • > Cuidador Humanitário (2nd Cohort): Introduces an online platform dedicated to training elderly caregivers, serving as a curriculum and facilitator for their integration into the job market.


In a few months, we will have updates for you, and who knows, there may be irresistible opportunities for our Entrepreneurs, here or in any of the stops they will make during this journey that is (still) PUSH.

This was the PUSH they needed; now it’s up to them. But they also know that, “Casa” (do Impacto) always calls you back.”

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vencedores do programa PUSH