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Pedro Sabino 2021-12-17T14:54:05+00:00
Artistic activism, Joy and Color in the Colombina Clandestina movement | Rise for Impact Pedro Sabino 2021-12-17T14:54:05+00:00
Pedro Sabino 2021-12-11T10:24:19+00:00
Relative or friend of someone with mental illness? Maria listens and supports | Rise for Impact Pedro Sabino 2021-12-11T10:24:19+00:00
Pedro Sabino 2021-12-10T08:06:12+00:00
Greater employability and socio-professional inclusion of unemployed people over 45 years old through IF-A | Rise for Impact Pedro Sabino 2021-12-10T08:06:12+00:00
Pedro Sabino 2021-12-09T16:33:39+00:00
Balance, Flexibility and Inner Peace for seniors with the Actif platform | Rise for Impact Pedro Sabino 2021-12-09T16:33:39+00:00
Pedro Sabino 2021-12-02T15:14:10+00:00
About SDG 9 Pedro Sabino 2021-12-02T15:14:10+00:00
Pedro Sabino 2021-12-06T17:19:00+00:00
Gamified Physiotherapy In Hospitals, Clinics And At Home With Clynx | Rise for Impact Pedro Sabino 2021-12-06T17:19:00+00:00
Pedro Sabino 2021-12-09T16:38:20+00:00
Semear Cerâmica aims to train and improve socio-professional inclusion of artisans with intellectual difficulties | Rise for Impact Pedro Sabino 2021-12-09T16:38:20+00:00
Pedro Sabino 2021-11-29T15:48:08+00:00
Veond: Products, experiences and offers for an ethical and sustainable lifestyle | Rise for Impact Pedro Sabino 2021-11-29T15:48:08+00:00
Pedro Sabino 2021-11-17T15:51:19+00:00
Casa do Impacto was in Porto for the EVPA Impact Month Pedro Sabino 2021-11-17T15:51:19+00:00
Pedro Sabino 2021-11-16T09:41:32+00:00
Casa do Impacto left no one indifferent at Web Summit! Pedro Sabino 2021-11-16T09:41:32+00:00
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